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Saturdays 5 & 12 March 2016 at 7 pm

FINNBRIT, Fredrikinkatu 20 A 9, Helsinki (2nd floor)

Join us for a stage reading of Puppets by Vello Ruus.

Puppets is a fast-paced comedy in the farce style, set in a large room of the affluent O'Leery home. Centre stage is a coffin, which holds the body of the deceased Mrs O'Leery. The family of Bob, John and Andy O'Leery, as well as Bob's finacée Tracy, gather for the funeral and the reading of the will by the family lawyer, George Davidson. Added to this mix are the unexpected arrival of the mysterious Mary and the prying Father Connelly. Each is confident of a large inheritance, but as the play develops peronal intrigues are played out and fortunes change as to who is to inherit what and who is in league with whom for control of the family fortune.

Directed by Vello Ruus. Featuring Nicolas Herbatschek, Tiina Isoviita, Mikael Kivimäki, Maria Kuuskoski, Graham Lees, John Leo, Ulf Persson, Sofia Pohls, Saku Ruus and Jukka Tykkyläinen.

 Tickets: 6€ (FBP members 4€).

MEMBERS: Please have your membership number to hand when ordering – contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you need a reminder.

Click on the below link to buy tickets.

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