Meet Raewyn

20211209 Raewyn portraitMeet Heini Ryynänen, our very own Raewyn Pizzaz, who just so happens to be the guest of honor’s publicist who exemplifies the truth in the saying “Behind every great man is an even greater woman.”

Heini’s favorite line as Raewyn can be encompassed by the imperative: “Now you listen here, Lorenzo!”

Her favorite moment in the play is when Raewyn finally gets to speak her mind to Lorenzo. Hence, her favorite line being "Now you listen here Lorenzo!" #girlboss Dealing with celebrities is a hard gig.

When asked about Raewyn’s preferences in hotel getaways, Heini thinks that Raewyn is rarely likely to settle for anything lower than a Scandic Hotels-franchise place of residence for the night.

If Raewyn were to ever start publishing any of her own work, her debut novel would be called Mistress in Too Much Distress. It would tell a story about a strong boss lady, who needs some excitement and “stress relief” in her life.

On a scale of 1 to 5, Raewyn would give her stay at the Hollydae’In a 5. Raewyn is truly living her best life witnessing this turning point in Lorenzo's career and what it means for their working relationship.

Photo: Jaakko Nikkilä
Text: Salvador Esparza & Heini Ryynänen

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Meet Matilda

20211208 Matilda portraitMeet Maggie Knorr, who plays the ever so lovable Matilda Logan.

As a woman who celebrates truths, Maggie’s favorite line as Matilda is: Woohoo, Facts!

When asked to reflect on her favorite moment in the play as Matilda, Maggie recalls the storm that surrounds the Hollydae’In as The Reading draws near, citing that she loves sleeping under the stars.

The Hollydae’In also happens to be very much in Matilda’s wheelhouse for a little getaway. As Maggie sees it, Matilda doesn’t do hotel chains, she look for hotels with an authentic experience, which the Hollydae’In certainly provides.

While Matilda may not be attending The Reading out of any real interest in Lorenzo DelaGato’s work or erotic fiction in general, if Matilda were to write our her own erotic novel, it would be called Bed and Breakfast. The plot? An unexpected storm brings two unsuspecting hotel aficionados together without power, but luckily for them, there is one way to stay warm.

Matilda’s overall rating on her weekend experience at The Reading: 5 stars, a great take on an old idea!

Photo: Jaakko Nikkilä
Text: Salvador Esparza & Maggie Knorr

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Meet Edwin

20211207 Edwin portraitDo you know what they call douchebags in France? Edwins! Meet Edwin, as played by the not-as-douchey Dish M. Eldishnawy. (Sorry, inside joke, it’ll make some sense after you watch the show, we promise.)

When asked what his favorite line as Edwin was, Dish reports back with the tantalizing: “I don't know how I ended up tumbling in the sheets with her last night.” Neither do we, Dish, neither do we.

Dish’s favorite moment in the show is also one that is only being described by the cast as the post-coital clarity moment (but, you know, in more commoner vernacular).

When having to reflect on what Edwin’s ideal hotel stay would be, Dish reports that this character (that is colloquially known as “the assh#%!”) thinks you can’t go wrong with an Airbnb! You can pull the classic "Let's go back to my place and stay overnight". Discreet, easy to escape in the morning, more romantic than a hotel room, and impossible to find for those stalker crazy chicks.

Now, our Edwin is more than just a hotheaded man who objectifies women. He could also be creative. If he were to write his own erotic novel, he would call it: The Invisible Stallion inspired by The Invisible Hood superhero fiction! Imagine if you could end the night by literally disappearing! Spoken like a true gentleman.

Overall, what would Edwin rate his experience at the Hollydae’In: Are you seriously asking that question? (Insert Expletives)! 0/5.

Photo: Jaakko Nikkilä
Text: Salvador Esparza & Dish M. Eldishnawy

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Meet Kit

20211206 Kit portraitDo you smell that? It’s the rich aroma of the second half of the gruesome twosome, Kit, played by the talented Zach Chamberlaine.

Zach’s favorite line, as the Hollydae’In’s own philosopher in disguise, is the metaphysical proclamation: “But, I’m also *here* because this is one of my union mandated breaks.”

We all need to be grounded somehow, and that’s just what Zach brings us in his interpretation of this lovable bellhop. While the bellhops bring us nothing but nonstop laughter, Zach had the following to stay on his favorite moment as Kit in the show: "There are a couple of contenders, but maybe slacking off in the hotel lobby with my bro, Nick, giggling and making fun of the guests as they arrive. It’s a rare moment in a scripted play when you’re given carte blanche to just piss about in the corner with the mental age of a fifteen year old – which luckily also appears to be my mental age in real life."

While the Concierge and Nick may have more loyalty to the Hollydae’In, Zach thinks Kit’s preferences may lean in a different direction, particularly towards Britannia Hotels, which was recently voted the worst hotel chain in the UK for the eighth year running. Britannia owns some beautiful historic buildings, at which guests can enjoy bird poo on the windows, used condoms in the kettle, and drunken fights among the kitchen staff. Kit can relate to Britannia’s “relaxed service atmosphere”, as both share a strong commitment to not being quite up to standard.

If Kit were to write an erotic novel it would be called 420 Shades of Gay by Mary Jane Blower. Kit would naturally have to write under a pseudonym, due to the slightly illegal nature of his inspiration: sexy times hustling on the streets of Soho whilst high as a kite. High as a Kit(e) will be the title of his autobiography.

When it comes to rating his place of employment, Kit gives the Hollydae’in four out of five stars. He has enjoyed not working there. A cushy joint, but not quite enough smoke breaks.

Photo: Jaakko Nikkilä
Text: Salvador Esparza & Zach Chamberlaine

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Meet Nick

20211205 Nick portraitA hearty round of applause for Giuliano Didio, half of the impeccable bellhop duo, Nick.

When asked about his favorite line as Nick, Giuliano hits us with the sobering statement of "We lived on the streets once, we can live on them again", a rather personal and heartfelt moment in the middle of a sea of hilarity and cacophony.

To counter his favorite spoken line, Giuliano’s favorite moment as Nick can only be described as the moment in which he rushes into the room, simply yelling. It is always quite satisfying to him as an actor.

Being that he’s in the business himself, Nick has managed to keep his expectations of the hospitality industry rather humble. When asked what his hotel chain or service of preference would be, Nick reports that he would definitely be happy with just the worst Airbnb.

If our relaxed bellhop were to dabble in the erotic novel genre, he believes his contribution would be named 100 Puffs Before Bed. We’ll leave you to infer the inspiration.

If Nick were to give the Hollydae’In a rating, he’d give it 5 stars, with the justification being that the bellhops are awesome! Not that he’s biased or anything.

Photo: Jaakko Nikkilä
Text: Salvador Esparza & Giuliano Didio

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Meet Jane

20211204 Jane portraitEnter Sarah Lyydia Puukka as Jane Driscoll, an old, colorful friend of Lorenzo DelaGato’s who’s coming, albeit with the help of liquid courage, to The Reading on a romantic mission.

When asked what her favorite line as Jane is, Sarah refers without hesitation to a line that gets to the core of Jane like none other: “I recognized those lines that made my loins burn with a holy fire!”

Jane is a woman full of heart, and in getting to explore this woman’s deeply rooted intentions that Sarah finds her favorite moment in the play being when Jane gives in to the greatest love of them all. Her fifth marriage is near, she can feel it!

Our eager lover may have plenty of history amongst the wealthy, but she’s not very particular when it comes to the hotels she chooses to spend her time in. When queried about her choice of hotels, her response was: Whatever has a fabulous bar.

When you have this much passion in you (or your loins for that matter), writing erotica must come like second nature. Be on the lookout, as Jane may one day make her imagined erotic novel, A Flaming Desire In The Midnight Moonlight, a reality—in stores never.

Her thoughts on the Hollydae’In: I absolutely love that drinks are free, although gin isn't my favorite drink. (You hear that, bartender?)

Photo: Jaakko Nikkilä
Text: Salvador Esparza & Sarah Lyydia Puukka

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Meet Fred

20211203 Fred portraitAn erotic literature reading event has a very specific target demographic, and in the case of Lorenzo DelaGato, it’s Frederick Rosewater, as played by the ever lovable Arnaud Praplan.

Fred, as he is casually known, really upholds the integrity and artistry of sensual writing, and this resonates with Arnaud, whose favorite line is: “Please Peg, it's "erotic literature".

Our beloved Fred goes through quite the arc in our story—I mean what could be more nerve wrecking and life changing than meeting your hero with your wife at your side on your 10-year wedding anniversary? Arnaud describes his favorite scene as the moment when Fred is telling Lorenzo what's what and where's where! And not to be forgotten, the moment he shares with his wife just thereafter, off-stage. Get your mind out of the gutter, this is a family show*.

Delving into the psyche of the obsessed fan, Arnaud believes that if Fred were to have to identify with a specific hotel chain, Fred would primarily identify with whichever hotel chain Lorenzo DelaGato also identified with. <3

Not to be belittled when asked what Fred’s erotic novel would be called if he were ever to write one and what his inspiration would be, Arnaud exclaims: "If? Are you kidding me? My character HAS WRITTEN his own erotic novel, thank you very much, and he is considering writing more! His first one is called Nipping in the Rosebuds and it is OF COURSE inspired by "Lorenzo DelaGato" (and a bit by Rocky Flintstone).

Ever the optimist, our Frederick gives his getaway experience at The Reading and Hollydae’in 5 stars! The Hollydae'In is the perfect venue to meet your hero! What a fantastic stay and what unforgettable memories!

*No, it isn’t.

Photo: Jaakko Nikkilä
Text: Salvador Esparza & Arnaud Praplan

Read more about The Reading