Is there a play that you'd like to direct? We are open to suggestions for a main performance in Autumn 2014, so please fill in a proposal and submit it to the committee by the 25th May. The performances would most likely take place in mid-November. A preliminary venue has been booked (Teatteri Hurjaruuth, Kaapelitehdas) for week 46 (10 - 16 November). However, as this is a preliminary booking, the committee will consider other concrete venue and time slot suggestions. Please note that the venue booking is only valid until end of May and may not be available for a production if not confirmed before the requirement to cancel the reservation.
See the following web page for more information:
Remember that you can submit a proposal for a smaller production, event or workshop at anytime, simply by dropping us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..