So, opening night is fast approaching and it's about this time that my eyes start to hone in on the finer details of....well.......just about everything really. I have a tendency to say "That's it!" after giving notes to the cast after a run, whether there is one page or four, and I'm sure for this they'd like to bash me over the head with their scripts in a "She's got to be kidding me" kind of manner. They don't of least not yet anyway. So it's nice to think about other sorts of details for a change.
Aside from the normal 'director stuff' like lines, character, dialogue, pace, tone, actions, reactions, there's a whole host of other elements to pay attention to which are starting to take shape in rehearsals as we do our costume runs. So costumes have been the bee in my bonnet today and I've spent this afternoon gathering some finishing touches to one costume in particular. As if this wasn't enough, I went all MTV American reality- decoration show and decided that one item needed to be 'pimped'. I don't think Pimp My Costume will take off on MTV but if you buy a FELT IF ticket you'll find out who's costume item has the honour of sporting this far out, totally cool, piece of kit..........