Who is Bruce Lovell?

LFAS bruce webBruce is an enigma: he can be kind and sweet one moment, and an angry bastard the next. You never quite know where he’s standing. He has travelled more than Kerouac, yet there’s something quite shallow about him.

To put it bluntly, he’s not easy to read, which is something one always looks for in an interesting character. He was born in England, travelled around the world and stayed in America for some time, hence the American accent.

He’s had a few romantic partners but nothing that stuck: he has issues with intimacy. No one can get very close to him. His parents haven’t heard from him in years and have likely disowned him.

Bruce attempts to be as good as he can, but there’s an undertone about him which makes him fail every single time. He is a photographer, but frankly he uses photography and art in general as nothing more than a veil. He wants to see people in their truest sense, in their most honest form. But he understands nothing about art.

Hopefully, come the premiere, the audience will be asking the same question I’ve been asking myself for months now, trying to find the answer: Who is Bruce Lovell?

Text: Mikael Kivimäki
Photo: Anni Taponen

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