Welcome to auditions for "The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant" by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, directed by Matthew Paines, Auditions will be held at the NEW NoName Theatre Helsinki (Hietaniemenkatu 7B) on Saturday 24 February at 2 pm. Please note that you must register in advance in order to participate.
The five-act play, said to be Fassbinder’s version of “Death in Venice”, is completely played out in Petra’s ‘Kitsch und Kunst’ boudoir-cum-studio viz her relationships with and between the various women coming and going. Petra’s world is beautiful, and nothing unlovely is allowed, all must be perfect. But cupid shoots an arrow in her gears! Has Petra found love? Will it work out?
Petra – Countess Petra von Kant (35) is a successful fashion designer- arrogant, caustic, and self-satisfied.
Marlene – The Maid. Androgynous, ageless, impressively bewigged and sensibly shod, this is a very challenging non-speaking role.
Sidonie – Sidonie von Grassenab (35) is Petra’s bestie and cousin, therefore another countess.
Karin – Karin Thimm (23) is a working-class ingénue who’s somehow inveigled this nest of minor nobility.
Valerie – The dowager countess Valerie von Kant, Petra’s disappointed mother.
Gabi – Gabriella Von Kant is Petra’s daughter, a cheeky schoolgirl (about 17-18).
If you’re interested in tech operation, stage management or other backstage tasks, please contact the producer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
You must be available for all of the final rehearsals and performances in the period 8–19 May. Rehearsals will start asap in late February. The exact dates and times will be scheduled after casting on the basis of theatre and actor availability (within reason), but there will almost definitely be performances on 10, 11, 12, 17, 18 & 19 May.
At the auditions, you'll perform some scenes from the play in pairs or small groups. More info about the characters and what scenes to prepare will be sent to registered participants a few days before the auditions. (So it's a good idea not to register at the last minute!)
You should be prepared to attend from 2–5 pm on Sunday 24 February, although the session may end earlier.
*** If you cannot attend then, please fill out the form anyway asap, and we'll see if we can find an alternative time.***
Please fill out THIS FORM by 6 pm on Friday 23 February. (If you register after the deadline, you will still be able to attend, but you may not receive any preparatory information.)
Please email the producer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you have any general queries or scheduling issues.
Please note that the Finn-Brit Players is an amateur theatre company and this is not paid work but an opportunity for actors to practice their hobby. If cast, you will have to be a member of the society to participate in the production. Annual membership (February 2024–February 2025) costs 40€ (standard) and 20€ (concessions).