Welcome to 2009! Here's what's happening in January:
Jan 11. Pinter workshop
FINNBRIT, Fredrikinkatu 20A, 2-6 p.m.
The aim of the Pinter project is to explore his work through workshops, readings and a range of productions in and around the Helsinki region. If you would like to be involved in any capacity (or capacities), please come along. If you can't make in to this workshop but would still like to be involved, please register your interest with one of the organisers (Zoë Chandler, Bruce Marsland, Joan Nordlund, Fionna O'Sullivan)
Jan 17. 'Four', a radio play by Vello Ruus
A performance of Vello Ruus' new radio play, Four, an hour-long radio play for voices in four acts.
The voices are bound by a balanced formal structure of time and place which inexorably pushes them forward through the four seasons. They explore their own thoughts, their relationships with the other voices, and their roles as manifestations of language. FINNBRIT, Freda 20A at 19.00.
Jan 18. Pinter auditions
We're happy to announce that the Finn-Brit Players' spring production will be a Pinter double bill: 'A Slight Ache' (2m, 1f) directed by Bruce Marsland, and 'Moonlight' (4m, 3f) directed by Joan Nordlund. We plan seven performances at Puoli Q, which we have booked from June 1-14.
Auditions for the two plays will take place at Freda 20 on Sunday January 18, 2.00 - 6.00 p.m.
Jan 21. Poetry & Jazz meeting
FINNBRIT, Fredrikinkatu 20A, 8 p.m. (NOTE TIME CHANGE FROM 7PM)
First meeting for those interested in participating in next season's Poetry & Jazz. Bring original or out-of-copyright material. For more information, contact director Joel Holmberg (alarik at wippies.com)
Jan 23 The Finn-Brit Players' Annual General Meeting
FINNBRIT, Fredrikinkatu 20A, at 7PM. Show up if you want to stand for committee, or affect decisions for the coming year. Welcome! (Paid-up members can vote, everyone can debate.)
Jan 24. Burns Night by FINNBRIT
Our friends at FINNBRIT organize an evening to celebrate the 250th birthday of Robert Burns. Tickets including meal 25eur, sign up by Jan 16 (note extended deadline!). More information on FINNBRIT's site.