Annual General Meeting 2014

Dear Players,

WHAT: The Finn-Brit Players' AGM with FREE DRINKS and snacks
WHEN: Saturday 25th January, 2014 at 7:15 pm
WHERE: FINNBRIT, Fredrikinkatu 20 A, Helsinki (MAP)

Welcome to the Finn-Brit Players Annual General Meeting on 25 January 2014, at 7:15 pm.

Now, with the year coming to an end, it is time for the Finn-Brit Players membership to convene for the most important Players' event: the AGM, where the future of the association is decided: membership fees are set, a new committee is elected, the old one evaluated and the new budget adopted. Snacks and refreshments will be available.

You can download the agenda for the 2014 AGM here. Please come along and have your say. The society belongs to its members, and this is the best chance to voice your opinions - an active society needs active members. In recent years there have been fewer and fewer people volunteering for the committee, and activities have been cut back. We need people to give up a bit of their time and help out. If you too would like the society to be even more active and even better, then please run for committee! Fill in the form included with the agenda, have your nomination signed by two other members of the Finn-Brit Players, and return it to a committee member before the AGM begins.

Members for 2013 are eligible to vote at the meeting, after which annual subscriptions for 2014 will be due. The membership fee will be decided at the meeting. Please note that new members may not be registered for a period of two weeks before the date of the AGM. See you on 25 January! There will be free beverages and snacks available!

The Players web site is at:


Annual General Meeting 2014 (save the date)

As a save the date invite, the Finn-Brit Players' Annual General Meeting will take place on 25 January 2014, at 7:15pm. The AGM will take place at the Finnish British Society (Fredrikinkatu 20A). Please do not arrive before this time as access is only given to us at 7:15pm

At this most important Players' event, the AGM, the future of the association is decided: membership fees are set, a new committee is elected, the old one evaluated and the new budget adopted. This year, we will continue last year's successful format: food and FREE DRINKS (alcoholic and soft!) will be served!

Members for 2013 are eligible to vote at the meeting, after which annual subscriptions for 2014 will be due. The membership fee will be decided at the meeting. So save the date and see you on 25 January!


Extended proposal deadline for the 2014 spring production

We are still looking for a main production for spring 2014. Don't miss out on this chance to put on a show you think we really should do.

Please fill in a proposal and submit it to the committee on 31 December 2013 latest. The performances would most likely take place in late April – the committee is still working on booking a venue for the shows. However, please include any suggestions or preferences that you may have for theatres and scheduling in your proposal.

See the following web page for more information:

Remember that you can submit a proposal for a smaller production, event or workshop at anytime, simply by dropping us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Finn-Brit Players on Google+

For those who prefer their social media in the Google+ flavour: good news! As of today you can add us to your circles! Head over to Google+ now and do just that...

Facebook Group changing to a Page

The Finn-Brit Players are changing their Facebook presence from the existing Group to a new Page. We decided to change to a Page because they give the administrators more useful options and feedback than the somewhat limited Groups. If you are are part of Facebook, please make your way to our new Page here: and 'Like' it to become a subscriber and receive Newsfeed information. New posts and updates will only be posted on the new Page after today, so please 'Like' ASAP!

The Group will remain open until the 30th November 2012, though updates and posting will be closed. The Group will be removed on the 1st December 2012.